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2024 - 10 - 01

Conséquences cyberattaques sur les PME

In March 2023, Gérard Vallet, Regional Director Grand Est of Orange Cyberdefense, made this alarming statement. This is a frightening observation that highlights the severity of cyber threats to which small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are exposed. Cyber attacks are no longer an isolated phenomenon reserved for large multinationals; they increasingly affect SMEs, often less prepared and equipped to defend themselves against these threats.

The devastating consequences of a cyber attack

Financial loss

One of the most immediate consequences of a cyber attack is financial loss. SMEs are particularly vulnerable because they often have limited financial resources to deal with a major crisis. Costs incurred by a cyber attack may include:

  • Ransoms: Ransomware is increasingly being used by cybercriminals. They block access to company data until a ransom is paid. These demands can reach exorbitant amounts, which many SMEs simply cannot afford to pay.
  • Fines and prosecutions: In the event of a data breach, companies may face severe fines under data protection laws such as GDPR in Europe. In addition, affected customers and business partners can take legal action for negligence, adding even more financial pressure.
  • Loss of revenue: A cyber attack can result in a complete shutdown of operations, resulting in direct loss of revenue. In the most serious cases, a company may be unable to recover its data or restore its services, leading to a permanent shutdown.

Data loss and breach of confidentiality

  • SMEs are often the holders of sensitive data, whether it is personal customer information, intellectual property or trade secrets. Cyber attack can result in loss or theft of this data, with serious consequences:
  • Privacy breach: Cybercriminals often target personal data to sell it on the black market or use it in scams. Such a breach can seriously damage the reputation of a company and lead to loss of trust on the part of customers.
  • Critical data loss: If a company does not have adequate backups, a cyber attack can result in the irreversible loss of critical data, thus compromising business continuity.

Damage to reputation

  • Reputation is an intangible but invaluable asset for any business. When an SME is attacked, the loss of trust from customers and partners can be devastating. Current and potential customers may fear for their own data security and choose to do business with companies deemed more secure.
  • Customer mistrust: A data breach usually results in an immediate loss of customer confidence. Customers are increasingly aware of the cyber security risks and are likely to leave a company that does not adequately protect their information.
  • Deterioration of relationships with partners: Business partners may also lose confidence and cease their collaborations, fearing they themselves will be exposed to risks through their business relationships.

Cost of remediation

After a cyber attack, companies must not only repair the damage but also invest in measures to prevent future attacks. This includes:

  • Investment in security: Strengthening security infrastructure, training staff, and updating protection systems. These costs, although essential, can represent a significant financial burden for SMEs.
  • Consulting and expertise: The services of cybersecurity experts are often required to analyze the attack, understand how it happened, and prevent it from happening again. These services can be costly but are essential to restoring security.

SMEs: Prime targets for cybercriminals

SMEs are often seen as easier targets by cybercriminals due to their lack of resources and expertise in cybersecurity. Unlike large companies, they often have less sophisticated security systems and less trained personnel to detect and respond to threats. This vulnerability makes them easy prey for cybercriminals, who do not hesitate to target several SMEs in the same attack to maximize their gains.

An extended attack surface by teleworking

Changes in work practices, particularly teleworking, have considerably expanded the attack area for companies. Employees accessing company networks from various locations and devices increase potential entry points for cybercriminals. Without adequate protection, these accesses can be exploited to infiltrate company systems and compromise their data.

UNIVIRTUAL CYBERSECURITY: Your partner in cybersecurity

In the face of these growing threats, it is imperative for SMEs to strengthen their cybersecurity. At UNIVIRTUAL, we understand the unique challenges SMEs face and have developed leading cybersecurity solutions to protect your infrastructure and data.

Comprehensive solutions to secure your business

With UNIVIRTUAL CYBERSECURITY, we implement complete solutions to secure your perimeter, your network and your teams. With 25 years of expertise in cloud computing and cybersecurity, we can help you integrate the right controls, orchestrate your workload deployment, and manage cyber threats effectively.

Black Sentinel: an advanced security solution

Our cybersecurity solution, Black Sentinel, is designed to protect your infrastructure from modern threats such as phishing, ransomware and DDoS attacks. It integrates a new generation firewall, as well as NGAV antivirus with EDR, managed by UNIVIRTUAL or under your own supervision. This solution allows you to significantly reduce your attack surface and prevent malicious behavior, thus ensuring the continuity of your activities.

Monitoring and intervention 24h/24

Our technical teams constantly monitor your infrastructure, ready to intervene 24/7 and 7/7 in case of unforeseen events. This constant monitoring is crucial to quickly identify and neutralize threats before they cause significant damage.


In a world where cyber attacks are becoming more common and sophisticated, it is crucial for SMEs to take proactive steps to protect their infrastructure. Not investing in cybersecurity can have disastrous consequences, not only financially but also for the very survival of a business.

UNIVIRTUAL, with 25 years of experience in cybersecurity and cloud computing, is the ideal partner to help you navigate this ever-changing threat landscape. Contact us today to learn how our security solutions can protect your business and ensure its sustainability. Don’t let a cyber attack jeopardize the future of your business.

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Alexandra SCHERRER

Passionnée par les technologies depuis toujours, je suis Alexandra, rédactrice web chez UNIVIRTUAL. Curieuse et touche-à-tout, j'aime explorer les dernières tendances du marché IT et du Cloud Computing. Mon objectif : rendre accessibles les évolutions technologiques à travers des articles clairs et engageants. Toujours à l'affût des chiffres et des nouveautés, j'aspire à partager ma passion avec vous.